Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Session 5

Session 5

The primary focus of session 5 was laying out the airplane design on insulating foam. This involved learning to ready plans, measuring, marking, finding center points and doing some math. The plans that are being used for this program are the plans for a "Towel" aircraft from the Brooklyn Aerodrome http://brooklynaerodrome.com/ . They have created a simple to build RC plane that utilizes basic shapes and elevon flight controls.

Given that each airplane starts out as a 3" X  5" piece of foam students spread out on the museum floor. This gave each person plenty of space to make good use of their meter stick and marking tools.

Once all of the markings were made on the foam board students could begin to see what their plane may look like.

By the end of the session many of the students had completed marking their foam board. Those who were finished early offered to help other students with their marking. As more students finished theirs they offered to help even more of their fellow classmates. At some point during this work out VP of Education passed by, completely invisible to the thoroughly engaged students.

During the next session we will finish marking the designs on the foam boards and start cutting them out.

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